Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do you struggle too?

Every night we struggle with putting Taylor to bed. Since she was just little she has not wanted to go to bed. She hasn't wanted to miss out on all the fun she's sure we're having. Consequently, most nights there are tears and fights about getting in bed. Tonight, like every night before, we do the bedtime routine and at the end I tell her, like always, that I don't want to see her eyes. Well, she didn't stay in bed but at least I didn't see her eyes. I guess this counts for getting a reward. Any suggestions for getting her to go to bed without a fight?


D-lyn said...

suggestion but I can totally empathize!
My Juju which as you know is in nursery with your Taylor, also won't go to bed ever since birth actually.
I gave up and now we tell her to sleep on the couch as long as she stays there and doesn't play. I like the not seeing eyes thing I'll have to try that!

Heidi said...

Um, you've met my Ashlyn right? No advice.
