Monday, January 26, 2009


One of my oh so favorite places to visit is sleepy town. Yesterday, after dinner I had two whiney girls on my hands so I decided it was time to get in the car and go to sleepy town! All bundled up in their pajamas, the heat on, and a little help from classical lullabies we arrived at Sleepy town in a short 7 miles. I didn't know it was so close! What a wonderful time I had driving home from sleepy town! (It was only 6:15pm!) She did however get up at 5:53am but hey, we needed to be getting up soon anyways!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jordan ...

Well Jordan ... you're past 9 months old and just today finally walked up and down the couch. You made it look so easy considering you haven't done it before. Perhaps you were just keeping it a secret! You're still getting over a bad cold and had your first fever the last couple of days. 102F but you managed to get through it. You still aren't back to yourself yet. In fact, you haven't been interested in your bottles at all this weekend! Get better sweetie!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Taylor #1

Happy Birthday Taylor! We had your first little party tonight with Grandma and Grandpa who can't make it later. We had some of your favorites for dinner. We had Homemade Stroganoff and green beans. Earlier today you helped make your cake and even helped decorate it. I learned that I should have let you decorate it AFTER I wrote on it! You wanted a blue cake, hence the blue writing! (Do you remember the blue cake Carrie Malinda?)

We made a yummy carrote cake this morning! (Snuck in a vegetable!)
Jordan certainly let her opinion be known that she was not to be left out on this one! She licked her little bowl clean!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Poor Jordan

So, for the last several months we have made numerous trips to the doctor for Jordan and her ears. She pulls and pulls and pulls on them. Some nights she hardly sleeps. She wakes up and gives this terrible cry and lets you know she'd rather be sleeping. Well, finally, at her 9 month appt her pediatrician agrees that we need to go and see an ENT. So, anticipating that, I had already called and gotten an appt with an ENT doctor the same week as her 9 month check-up. Well, her hearing is still within the normal range. Unfortunately, she has no movement in her eardrum. This is what we were suspecting. If we didn't do anything to fix this it would cause her to be delayed in many things. i think it already has in regards to standing. poor thing doesn't have a lot of stability! well, I guess that is understandable now. So, today after her hearing test and doctor's appt she is scheduled for surgery. She will be having tubes put in on January 29th.

Crossing our fingers for you sweetie!

9 Month stats

On Monday, January 12th we went for Jordan's regularly scheduled check-up. Her stats are:

Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz = 50th percentile
Height: 28 1/4" = 75th percentile
Head: 46 cm = 95th percentile

Taylor's at this point were almost identical. She was only 18 lbs 3 oz.

Finally an update

For Christmas this year we went to Seattle. Having a white white Christmas was a lot of fun. Seattle had 12+" of the stuff and it was causing all sorts of problems for the residents out there. Now that it has warmed up, there is A LOT of flooding going on.
Here are a few pics to celebrate the day!
Taylor got ahold of the camera and I got this picture taken!
On Christmas, Jordan finally decided to give up being content with where we sat her. Although she rolled up a storm and didn't stay put it was not the most efficient way of getting something. She took the plunge and started army crawling. The funniest thing we saw one time was when she had on only a diaper we set her down on her stomach (attempted to) and she did not want to drop! She held herself up on her hands and feet up off of the floor for quite some time!

She also decided to cut her first tooth! She is no longer toothless. In fact, she has now cut a second tooth.

On the 29th of December, Jordan also went potty on the potty for the first time. (Hey, she woke up dry after all night long! I had to see what would happen!)
