Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally an update

For Christmas this year we went to Seattle. Having a white white Christmas was a lot of fun. Seattle had 12+" of the stuff and it was causing all sorts of problems for the residents out there. Now that it has warmed up, there is A LOT of flooding going on.
Here are a few pics to celebrate the day!
Taylor got ahold of the camera and I got this picture taken!
On Christmas, Jordan finally decided to give up being content with where we sat her. Although she rolled up a storm and didn't stay put it was not the most efficient way of getting something. She took the plunge and started army crawling. The funniest thing we saw one time was when she had on only a diaper we set her down on her stomach (attempted to) and she did not want to drop! She held herself up on her hands and feet up off of the floor for quite some time!

She also decided to cut her first tooth! She is no longer toothless. In fact, she has now cut a second tooth.

On the 29th of December, Jordan also went potty on the potty for the first time. (Hey, she woke up dry after all night long! I had to see what would happen!)

