Saturday, March 28, 2009

Taylor 'spits-up'

About 4:30am on Friday morning Taylor comes down out of her room and tells me that she "Spit-up". Oh no I am thinking! Not on the carpet. We had recently talked about where we should throw up... in bed, in the bathroom, in the kitchen... but NOT on the carpet. I can't wash the carpet very well. Fortunately, she did it on her bed. Besides the extra laundry not too bad. She wanted to climb in our bed but fortunately I convinced her I'd make he a comfy bed in my bathroom and promised her if she needed to throw up she only needed to call for me and I'd come. True to my word, I went every time she called or threw up. We got out the well known "barf-bowl" and she slept with that. (Note, we don't use this bowl for anything other than barfing!)

Taylor has only just begun to take interest in TV. You know she wasn't feeling well when I put on the tv and she actually stayed and watched it. She never does that! Usually, it is only for about 10-15 minutes and the tv is off. Long enough to take a shower. Her biggest disappointment on Friday was not doing our 'project'. She tells me that is her favorite thing to do on 'Mommy day'. I promised we'd do something later.

A funny for later that day... obviously, she was feeling better and was trying to jump on the couch which is not allowed. I told her she needed to stop it but she wasn't listening. I knew how upset she was over her stomach hurting earlier so I threw in "stopping jumping on the couch or your tummy is going to hurt again!" Without missing a beat she replies, "It already hurts!". She thought that would allow her to continue jumping! WRONG! I stopped that pretty quickly! (It wasn't really jumping but more running up and down the couch.. but still!)

PS .. she has tried multiple times to get the special "sick drink" and "popsicles" as she NEEDS them. The sick drink was either a little coke or 7-up which she has had very little of. We keep a little in the basement just for these times! Sorry kiddo... no more sick drink. Popsicles... well, okay (you do know it is freezing outside, right?)


Jason and Summer, but really just Summer said...

We have one of those bowls! Glad to hear she is feeling better!

Heidi said...

I am so impressed that she managed to "spit-up" in one of the designated spots. Way to go Taylor!

And funny that we are all commenting on the "barf bowl"! Ours is an empty ice cream bucket. We/I go through enough ice cream that I can just toss it after the blessed event.
