Monday, May 18, 2009

What do you get when ....

You hire your three year old to watch your just-barely-one year old? A mess. A total utter mess. Not just in one room but every room they explored together. Blankets are out everywhere and of course, unfolded. Toys have migrated from the basement to the upstairs and don't get me started on what the playroom looks like. Well, I really can't complain. She did a wonderful job while I laid on the couch contemplating if dying was a viable option. You see, with two kids in daycare, in separate rooms, they are each exposed to different kids and different germs. Badda Bing and they bring them home to share with me. So, early this morning I started the running to the bathroom to contemplate which end should face the toilet. It ended up with my face in the garbage can. Like clockwork, every 30 minutes I'd be back to pay my dues. Taylor was convinced once I quit throwing up that I must be all better. Dear sweet child, that doesn't mean you can wiggle around on my lap. But it was so cute to listen to her 'mother' Jordan this morning. She started out with "Taylor is mommy and Jordan is baby". It got really quiet at one point and when I went to check on them they were sitting on the floor and Taylor was feeding Jordan pretzals. Later, she told me Jordan was still hungry and that she had taken the cheerios out of the diaper bag. Way to be resourceful! All that mothering must have worn her out because she was in bed and asleep at 6:30pm. With Jordan in bed at 7;15pm it has been a very nice last hour. However, my house is still a mess.. anyone feel like cleaning?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Fever

With the recent turn of the weather to 'spring' we have spent quite a bit of time outside. Jordan has had quite the adjustment in learning to walk on the grass. I'm sure she thought she was hot stuff learning to walk at 10 months and that there wasn't anything else to do. Gotcha kiddo. Walking on grass is a whole new experience. Too bad you weren't here to see her try and walk up a small incline. She toppled over backwards! So funny! Here are some pictures of the girls as they helped with weeding one of the gardens. As you can see, Jordan was being a little TOO helpful. Since she was enjoying herself and keeping herself occupied -- and not trying to eat it -- we let her do whatever she wanted!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 3 and no 'B'

Today is day three of Jordan having no binkie. So far, so good! In fact, it has been really good. She even went down for a nap without a binkie or any water! It has given Taylor some 'mommy' time. We used the time to make 'bear bread'.

Last week's Friday 'fun'. Commonly referred to as 'Mommy Day' by Taylor. This is the day we save up all the over-the-top activities. Here are pictures from the latest. I wish you could have seen the excitement on Taylor's face when I told her she could then paint it. Oh the delight!

Update: Jordan has had no problem not having a binkie! What was I worried about? The last day she enjoyed her 'comfort' was May 5. We're still going strong. Michael slipped once in the night when she was having a hard time but a short while later i took it out of her crib and she never made a noise for it! Yeah Jordan! you are such a trooper!
