Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 3 and no 'B'

Today is day three of Jordan having no binkie. So far, so good! In fact, it has been really good. She even went down for a nap without a binkie or any water! It has given Taylor some 'mommy' time. We used the time to make 'bear bread'.

Last week's Friday 'fun'. Commonly referred to as 'Mommy Day' by Taylor. This is the day we save up all the over-the-top activities. Here are pictures from the latest. I wish you could have seen the excitement on Taylor's face when I told her she could then paint it. Oh the delight!

Update: Jordan has had no problem not having a binkie! What was I worried about? The last day she enjoyed her 'comfort' was May 5. We're still going strong. Michael slipped once in the night when she was having a hard time but a short while later i took it out of her crib and she never made a noise for it! Yeah Jordan! you are such a trooper!


Jason and Summer, but really just Summer said...

Good for you...that is always a hard one to break in our household. I'm just as addicted to it as the babies!

Stacie Mathis said...

Yes, I think I was needing it more than she did. When the whiney voice would come out.. in goes the binkie! Often refered to as the 'shut-up plug'
